Dr. Alexander Schubel
Plant Manager DRAEXLMAIER GroupThe help of Loredana is a key success factor for us to reach the next levels in the direction of a modern and value-oriented company culture at DRAEXLMAIER Timisoara.
Especially Loredana’s empathy, openness and flexibility is a big win for our organization. She is highly experienced and skilled in all fields of people management, so she supports us by workshops, trainings and coaching with involvement from plant management to operator level.
Loredana takes her time for all the different characters and at the same time she stands for a clear value and principle set. Because of that she is highly accepted by our organization as a trustful and reliable discussion partner.
The deep going partnership with Loredana allows groundbreaking success in our cultural transformation process.
Alexandra Jivan
I had a happy chance to understand what coaching &mentoring is, from Loredana Ghituica. I started this journey by her side full of trust becouse I knew I will have an experienced partner by my side, a practical person, with a focus to find real solutions and last but not least, an extremelly warm person.
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I could not tell you what is her secret, but what I do know is that at the end of our sessions I had a clear picture of what I need to do next, and I would find my inner-peace that you get with that new “lifeline”.
Thank you again!
Andreea Hotaran
My Coach, Dana
Purchasing Director
It all started as a friendly chat with Dana, asking her for a piece of advice, and it turned out quickly she has a lot more to bring to the table. Great understanding of human behavior and excellent skills to ask the right questions, she is able to guide with a lot of empathy while always working with your strengths and helping to improve self awareness and self confidence. We had an awesome start on our journey together, Dana as my coach and myself, in the need to find a new perspective about the future me.
Thanks for the heads up and for your professionalism.
Raluca Indricau
Energetic, firm, quick-paced and motivational. A very fine attention to detail and a clear sharp reasoning, this is how I had known and perceived Dana from our first meetings within Takata Company, where she held the position of Human Resources Manager. This role, within such a complex organization with such a large headcount, made it so that to these attributes she added a rich professional experience in the field of employment relations, not only from legal or management point of view, but also human, psychological, following a timeline that accompanies the employee from the first working day until end of employment.
Country Legal Specialist
I guess it was for this reason that I was so happy to become one of the first of Dana’s clients, as I knew I wanted this coaching relationship even before the invitation was made.
Or maybe becouse, during the 8 years that we worked together for the same company, I was always curious to find out, or at least to sense, some of her methods, her interiour mechanisms that enabled her to manage the workforce of one of the largest organizations in West Romania for 15 years.
Our first coaching sessions have fully confirmed my expectations, especially due to the accuracy of my proffesional profile, with strenghts and development areas. I am looking forward to further analyse both.
Andrei Plesu used to say that „For a person’s development, encounters are essential. If you are not careful, you may miss those encounters.”
I am happy I did not miss my encounter with Dana!
Mihai Uscat
I was coached by Dana while I was working in her team, as Deputy HR Manager.
HR Manager
I fondly remember our first coaching session, where I showed-up with a (new) Agenda and a pen, ready to leave the meeting with a tight-scheduled action plan (Corporate habits…) and … SURPRISE (big surprise, I’ll admit), Dana’s first statement was „You do not need an Agenda, this meeting is only about you”. What followed was an hour of open conversation, and at the end of the meeting I did not know what to think … all I knew was that I felt very good – no action plan, no deadlines, but I remember a distinct feeling that something just happened in there, something I could not describe. The answer came after some more sessions, when looking back I could see that something subtle has changed in me. The mental blocks were less and less and problems were more and more easy to solve. Thank you, Dana 🙂
Carmen Mircea
Coaching with Dana
Head of Logistics DRAEXLMAIER Group
I absolutely enjoyed my sessions with Dana. Not that it’s all fun and games, not at all. We tackled the difficult stuff, but Dana`s manner is so compassionate, her attentiveness so resolute and her ability to get to the root of the issue is remarkable.
Subsequent sessions with Dana helped me to develop tools, techniques, and insights that not only significantly improved my wellbeing, but also paved the way for my goals.
She is open, honest, and incredibly intuitive and one of the kindest people I know. I always finished my sessions feeling empowered and with a new sense of purpose. She helped me to identify my goals and encouraged me to follow my dreams.
Thank you for the joy of meeting you, Dana!