Mark Twain said : “The most important days in your life are the day you are born and the day you find out why”.
This is my journey towards the second day.
Start with the Children

I started my career as a primary school teacher, this has been the experience I liked the best so far. I studied Child Psychology for 5 years and this is when I found answers to many of my questions as a child in the past and also to many of my questions as a future parent. I deeply understood the profound impact of our words and actions upon our children, and this understanding simply humbled me.
Employment Law

Later I worked in the field of Labor Law – a subject I did not enjoy in Law School (not exciting enough back then), but I learned to love later in my proffesional life during the almost 20 years when I practiced Human Resources Management. Being a lawyer by profesion was an advantage I could make use of in managing the HR Function so as to prevent labor law litigatons in the companies I worked for. Looking back I can prudly say that in 20 years, working for companies employing between 2.500 and 5.500 HC, I had to face only 5 lawsuits, and lost none.
My pride and joy – My Team

During my 20 years in HR Management I grew together with my Team, I believed in them, they believed in me, and we developed each other. I am vey proud of having lead a highly performing team of 25, who chose to stay with me for 11-16 years, in a context where labor market was extremelly volatile and high turnover in the area was the rule.
Changing the Pace

Starting 2014, I felt I reached a new stage in my development, where I wanted to focus more on the individual form of intervention in development of people, so I trained in Coaching & Mentoring and then started offering these services to my colleagues in the company. I offered Leadership Coaching & Mentoring for our junior managers looking to find their way, and I offered Life Coaching to my team members aiming to support themfind their balance and avoid overworking or burn-out. I also delivered Internal Trainings and Workshop Moderation with the company management teams when we all went through the complicated experience of Cultural Integration as a result of a merger&aquisition process. This process was fascinating to me, and it filled me with energy & enthusiasm.
It was then that I knew – this is what I want to do in the future.

So now I am completing the circle of my career and come back to my calling – that of a Teacher, Coach & Mentor. Because what I like best is building genuine, trustful, long-lasting connections with people.